
1. Do not give teachers more work

The most important and scarce resource for teachers is time. Any new program that demands more of teachers' time is likely to fail.
Our solution should get students speaking without necessarily requiring any additional teacher time.
"What type of homework did you usually get in language class?

2. Get students speaking more out of class

Presently, foreign language students spend very little time speaking, especially out of class; nearly all homework is paper-based.
Unfortunately, there is currently no sustainable way for teachers to assign frequent speaking homework where students are held accountable for their practice.
Our solution should focus on students speaking more frequently outside of the classroom.

3. Keep students accountable for their speaking practice 

As of right now, if a teacher wants to assign speaking homework to her students, there is no way for her to monitor how they are progressing.
As a result, all she can do is hope that they speak, that they try their hardest, and that they learn from those experiences.
Our solution should allow teachers to assign speaking homework, but still keep students accountable for the quality of their output.